Project: Farming Demo

  1. Project: Bugtrakt
  2. Project: Imgalib
  3. Project: Go Fish!
  4. Project:
  5. Arduino Light effects
  6. Project: Mini Stacker
  7. Project: Arduino NES Controller
  8. Project: Metroidvania-Like
  9. Project: Susminer
  10. Project: Farming Demo
  11. Project: VRC Basement
  12. Project: Hash Clear
  13. Project: Titan Help
  14. Project: Computer Craft Scripts
  15. Project: ESP8266 Plant Watering
  16. Project: Golf Demo
  17. Project: Ghost Holic
  18. Project: Multi-Chat Viewer
  19. Project: Interview Simulator
  20. Project: Healer’s Journey
  21. Project: Biota

Status: Complete
Type:Game Demo
Technology:C#, Unity Engine

It was a desolate vacation. I had all the time in the world to myself, and only my laptop. I didn’t want to work too hard, but having no work to do was getting to me. Days of Stardew Valley gameplay was seeped into my mind. My own gardening misadventures too compelled me to think: how would I make a farming game? and while I didn’t have the time to make a whole game, I did have some time to code and so on my laptop’s poor 100 gigabyte SSD I took up most of it for the sake of farming!

In all seriousness this is a simple mechanics demo. You click to place a plant in it’s seed state, click to water it and then click the nice next day button to do it again. Then when it’s finished you can click it to harvest it! And then on some days it’ll rain and water everything for you, how nice! Not much to it, not really even a game, just a test. Maybe some day I’ll truly compete in the farming game space but not today.