Project: Interview Simulator

  1. Project: Bugtrakt
  2. Project: Imgalib
  3. Project: Go Fish!
  4. Project:
  5. Arduino Light effects
  6. Project: Mini Stacker
  7. Project: Arduino NES Controller
  8. Project: Metroidvania-Like
  9. Project: Susminer
  10. Project: Farming Demo
  11. Project: VRC Basement
  12. Project: Hash Clear
  13. Project: Titan Help
  14. Project: Computer Craft Scripts
  15. Project: ESP8266 Plant Watering
  16. Project: Golf Demo
  17. Project: Ghost Holic
  18. Project: Multi-Chat Viewer
  19. Project: Interview Simulator
  20. Project: Healer’s Journey
  21. Project: Biota

Status: Complete
Type: Game, 2D art
Technology: C#, Unity

Welcome to HART Corporate Employment Systems Intergalactic, or HCESI (Pronounced HECK-ESS-EE) for short.  Here you’ll find everything you need to apply for a modern career in our intergalactic business.  Everything from technical support to High command to even working in our world renowned Catnip Production Facilities (CPF) is here, and open to opportunity!  So what are you waiting for, whether you’re Human, AI, Hivemind, or what have you we welcome all to the HART family!

Interview Simulator is a short Visual Novel where you go through the process of getting interviewed after applying for a job, in the distant future.  Made as a parody of the current job seeking environment that’s out there I decided to make a light hearted joke out of my job seeking troubles.