Project: Healer’s Journey

  1. Project: Bugtrakt
  2. Project: Imgalib
  3. Project: Go Fish!
  4. Project:
  5. Arduino Light effects
  6. Project: Mini Stacker
  7. Project: Arduino NES Controller
  8. Project: Metroidvania-Like
  9. Project: Susminer
  10. Project: Farming Demo
  11. Project: VRC Basement
  12. Project: Hash Clear
  13. Project: Titan Help
  14. Project: Computer Craft Scripts
  15. Project: ESP8266 Plant Watering
  16. Project: Golf Demo
  17. Project: Ghost Holic
  18. Project: Multi-Chat Viewer
  19. Project: Interview Simulator
  20. Project: Healer’s Journey
  21. Project: Biota

Status: Complete
Type: Game, 3D
Technology: C#, Unity

Healer’s Journey is a game developed as part of [P1] Games’ Team Lion. I joined at the tail end of development but made some important contributions, especially on the design side. Some of the things I implemented include single slot puzzles (Originally was only 3 slots), fast travel, sleep, and some more that I can’t remember at the moment. Some of the more complicated data structure work was mature by the time I had come onto the team.

The game itself takes place in a fictional African village, stricken with poverty you work as a witch doctor making herbal remedies for the villager’s ailments. The more people you heal, the more the village develops. For instance, after healing three people the farm will begin producing herbs and the total amount of herbs you have access to increases, and thus the game starts adding multi slot ailments to start adding complexity to the game. Eventually a cart will spawn for fast travel to areas where more herbs are, watch towers will be built, and more huts will be built as well.