This is a case of simulated automation using video games as a tool to make scenarios to support making your own versions of technology that might otherwise be unfeasible. In this case I’m using Minecraft to support the automation of machinery/mechanical processes. …
Category: Coding
Project: Titan Help
This is post 13 of 21 in the series “Project Overviews” A series of posts detailing and highlighting projects that I’ve made. Project: Bugtrakt Project: Imgalib Project: Go Fish! Project: …
Project: Hash Clear
Hash clear is a simple utility program that clears out all files that have matching hashes, including files in subdirectories….
Project: Farming Demo
ays of Stardew Valley gameplay was seeped into my mind. My own gardening misadventures too compelled me to think: how would I make a farming game?…
Project: Susminer
Susminer was a game that was thought up as a joke between a friend and I, when we were talking about game ideas. It started as a joke about where we were talking about putting every popular game around into one. A hybrid of Among Us, Battle Royal Games, and Minecraft/Terraria like games….
Project: Metroidvania-Like
This is post 8 of 21 in the series “Project Overviews” A series of posts detailing and highlighting projects that I’ve made. Project: Bugtrakt Project: Imgalib Project: Go Fish! Project: …
Project: Arduino NES Controller
While learning Arduino I wanted to see if I could use a Nintendo Entertainment System controller to interface, and as it turns out there’s good diagrams of the pinout the controller uses, and since it’s keyed it’s very easy to understand
Project: Mini Stacker
Mini Stacker was a bit of a challenge I undertook to remake a favorite arcade game of mine as a project. This was one of my introductory projects into the world of Arduino and as such wasn’t be best planned out. It works simply with an…
Arduino Light effects
In November of 2021 my interest in Arduino, something I had vaguely known of for years. It wasn’t until someone on Youtube who goes by Dave’s Garage made a video that showed up in my recommended feed going over the programming of WS2812B ARGB Strip lights. And so I promptly did my own in a Arduino Emulator which basically allows you to code everything without the physical hardware. Anyhow, the code is below.
Project:, formerly My own portfolio site, which I then tacked a WordPress blog onto. Originally I had hoped to do some impressive things with it. For instance I had considered making a VR equivalent to it, which I might still do. The main difference between what I had wanted to do and still might do is that I wanted the original to be integrated in the site as a dynamic 3D background…