, formerly My own portfolio site, which I then tacked a WordPress blog onto. Originally I had hoped to do some impressive things with it. For instance I had considered making a VR equivalent to it, which I might still do. The main difference between what I had wanted to do and still might do is that I wanted the original to be integrated in the site as a dynamic 3D background…
Project: Go Fish!
Go Fish is a website project focused on clean web design and was made during my Introductory web design course in College (That I had to take despite making sites for fun for years). It’s based around a fictional Restaurant called Go Fish and has all the bells and whistle’s you’d find in a majority of sites for “mom and pop” restaurants…
Project: Imgalib
mgalib was a project I undertook when I had been challenging myself to leave my Windows desktop on as long as possible. Whilst doing so, Windows File Explorer stopped generating thumbnail images, and the image viewer built into windows as effectively useless for browsing. And so I undertook a dirty workaround for image hosting….
Project: Bugtrakt
Bugtrakt was a project that I did as a capstone of my Associates in Science for Computer Programming and Analysis. The project given to me was to create bug tracking software…
December Intermission
Hello hello,I’ve been a little bit busy with finishing Christmas, but for the most part I’ve been spending time with family and enjoying the free time I have. With that …
What I did today: December 22, 2022
… I hacked together some stuff and prayed.
Ghost Holic – Building the Goal Map
This is post 8 of 9 in the series “Ghost Holic” Design and Planning – Ghost Holic Ghost Holic – Day 2 Dev Diary Ghost Holic – Day 3 Dev …
Ghost Holic – A few days later.
A dissertation of some issues I’m having along side an explanation of why work’s slowed down.
Ghost Holic – Day 5
This is post 6 of 9 in the series “Ghost Holic” Design and Planning – Ghost Holic Ghost Holic – Day 2 Dev Diary Ghost Holic – Day 3 Dev …
Ghost Holic – Day 4 Dev Diary
Today we get a little procedural…